Check with your insurance agent! Believe it or not, many times the answer is yes. In all 50 states, if you carry full-coverage insurance (that means Liability, Comp, and Collision) your insurance will automatically carry over and cover you when you rent a car from us – regardless of what you drive or what you rent. And it's for the same reason that if you're driving down the highway in your Honda and you happen to knock a Mercedes off the road, your insurance will cover the damage up to your coverages. ***ANOTHER MONEY SAVER TIP*** If you don't currently have collision coverage, go ahead and call your agent and put it on for the week you will rent the car with good coverages for a nominal fee compared to the insurance charges the big car rental companies charge. CONFIRM WITH YOUR AGENT THAT YOU WILL BE COVERED AND YOU ARE ONLY MODIFYING YOUR POLICY FOR THE LENGTH OF THE RENTAL SO NOMINAL CHARGES COMPARED TO THE BIG INDUSTRY CAR RENTAL DAILY FEES!!!!!!